Welcome to Little Lisa’s Gluten-Free Nosh. I am Lisa Imerman. My entire life I have been called Little Lisa, by many people. I am short in stature, but big in Chutzpah! I was born and raised in SE Michigan and have lived in the same general area my entire life (nearly half a century). I have been married for more than two decades and have four children.
I am a homeschooling mom who loves to read, bake, cook, and hang out with my family and friends. I am also an attorney. I grew up helping my mother, my grandmother, and my aunt, in the kitchen. I was always interested in cooking and my mom helped to cultivate that love while exploring many different cuisines. We have a history of food allergies and intolerances in my family, going back generations. I wasn’t diagnosed with Celiac until after my last child was born. My older son was diagnosed first and then my youngest exhibited very similar issues. I was diagnosed when, after clearing gluten from my diet, I ate something with gluten and got very sick. It all made so much sense. We have other food allergies and intolerances in our household, even our beloved dog has developed food intolerances (chicken makes her very sick). I have learned how to manage multiple diet requirements and still have food that is delicious and comforting.
I also love to garden. We do a lot of garden and try to cram as many edible plants into our small lot as we can. Gardening is a hobby that the whole family participates in. My husband, daughter, and I also like to preserve as much of our seasonal bounty as possible.
Crafting is popular in our house. I have had many craft hobbies over the years. Scrapbooking, card making, chalk painting, refinishing furniture and more. Creating art, including in the kitchen, is fun for me. My kids are always up for helping when the craft supplies come out.